+91-94944 91413


Our Out Look:

Ocean Green Biology Would not to be as a new name for those who desire quality products & services from a RELIABLE foundation, who works on a P-P-P manner, i.e.




With a range of diversified products coupled with some well-organized & active, after the sales service,

The Ocean Green Biology offers are as desired Chemical Portfolio

We Manufacturer and Supplier for the following Chemicals:

Water & Waste Water treatment chemicals:

  • · ETP Coagulant & Flocculant Chemicals,
  • · ETP Sludge Press/ Belt / Wire Press water Drainage Aids,
  • · Effluent Treatment Plant Services,
  • · Cooling Tower Water Odor and Slime Control Treatment Chemical,
  • · Effluent/Sewage Treatment Chemicals,
  • · Boiler Feed Water Chemicals – Anti-Scalant/ De-Scale,
  • · Boiler Feed Water PH Booster Etc..
  • · RO plant Anti-Scalant,
  • · RO - Raw Water Coagulant & Flocculant Chemicals,
  • · Reverse Osmosis Membrane Cleaning Agent
  • · RO Plant Technical Services,

Pulp and Paper Industry Chemicals:

  • . Pulp Refining Enzyme,
  • · Pulp De inking Chemical – Enzyme Base / Surfactant Base,
  • · Pulp Mill Defoamer/ Wash Aid,
  • · Pulp Mill Anti Scalant,
  • · Pulp Mill Bleaching Enzyme,
  • · Pulp Mill – Coagulant,
  • · Pulp Mill – Biocide Chemicals
  • · Pulp Mill – DSR / WSR – Anionic (or) Cationic,
  • · Paper Machine – Retention Aid – Anionic / Cationic,
  • · Paper Machine – Drainage Aid,
  • · Paper Machine – Wire/Felt Cleaning Chemicals,
  • · Size Press – Surface Sizing Chemicals – Anionic/Cationic
  • · Size Press – Starch Modifying Enzyme,
  • · Pope Reel - Antistatic Current Agent.
  • · Paper Mill - ETP Coagulant & Flocculant Chemicals,
  • · Paper Mill - ETP Sludge Press/ Belt / Wire Press water Drainage Aids,
  • · Paper Mill - Effluent Treatment Plant Services,

Agriculture Inputs: (Bio & Organic)

  • . Biofertilizers – N, P, K
  • · Bio Controllers – Tricho Derma, Pseudomonas,
  • · Organic Fertilizers,
  • · Biological - Plant Growth Promoters,
  • · Organic - Plant Growth Promoters – Silica/ Bio Polymer Based,
  • · Soil Conditioners/Sterilizers – Silica / Bio Polymers Based,

Aqua Culture Additives: (Probiotics & Chemicals)

  • . Pond Sludge Cleaners – Probiotic based
  • · Pond Conditioners – Organic/Probiotic based
  • · Pond water Sanitizers – BKC, Lime Powder, Dettol, Hypo, CuSo4 Etc..
  • · Pond Bio Plankton,
  • · Pond Water – DO Boosters/Controllers,
  • · Pond Water - PH Controllers,
  • · Pond - Ammonia Controllers,
  • · Pond - Nitrogen levels Controllers,
  • · Pond – Healthy Growth - Vitamins, Minerals - Enzymes Etc..
  • · Prawn – GUT Controllers,
  • · Fish – Argulusosis Controller,
  • · Pond - Macro Minerals – CaCl2, MgCl2, KCl,

For further details you are requested to kindly refer our OGB PRODUCTS Page, & please feel free to communicate your proposals & advices if any... We will be great pleasure to hear from you….